6 Reasons Why You Should Gym At Home

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The times we find ourselves in right now are uncertain at best. COVID-19 has made going to a fitness club or getting a monthly gym membership almost unfeasable. So, if you can’t do your workouts at the gym, should you gym at home? We think so. Here are some reasons why you should gym at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Reasons Why You Should Gym At Home

Don’t Leave Your House

If you exercise at home, your training won’t require you to leave the comfort of your home space. Another  benefit to doing your workout at home is that you cut down on the drive time to the gym, giving you time for family.

Man working out
Stay Home!

Daily Flexibility

By working out at home, you can do your training at times that suit your schedule, instead of the gym’s operating hours. You can change your fitness times at a moments notice, so that if your daily life requires an emergency rearrangement, you can still hit your fitness goals.

woman exercising
Do your workout when it suits you

Routine Management

If your workout space is your house, then fitting in a routine should be far easier than having to calculate drive times and traffic problems. Plus, if you’re feeling lazy, you won’t be able to up excuses like “It’s such a far drive! I don’t have time for that!”

Woman exercising
Get innto a routine, no matter what!


We all love our privacy, especially while we’re training. Nothing sucks more than being in a bad mood and worrying about social pressure when all you want to do is work on your fitness goals and health. An advantage to training at home is that you’ll have the freedom to shout, grunt and work on your strength without worrying about others’ happiness.

Woman with a yoga mat
Yoga At Home

Save Money

You won’t be paying for a monthly gym membership anymore, which is a big save. But you may be asking “don’t I need to invest in exercise equipment like machines and weights?” The answer is no, you don’t need any pieces of equipment to workout at home. Sure, it’s great to have a variety of equipment to work with, but it is expensive and unnecessary. To maintain wellness in the body, you need a fitness routine (and other things) but not equipment. If you want to get huge though, then investments in basic equipment (dumbbells, cable machines and other products) will still save you money later on. 

Woman stretching
Preparing For A Home Cardio Workout

Fewer Germs

COVID-19 is a real threat to our health. By training at home, you lower your risk of infection and won’t have to worry about constantly sanitizing the gym equipment that you want to use. 

How Do I Start Training At Home?

Home workouts don’t need to be complicated. In fact, spending only 30 minutes per day doing high-intensity training is all you need for a solid exercise routine. Cardio equipment (treadmills, rowing machines, etc) can be a great convenience but aren’t necessary. Instead, try doing a full-body workout with your bodyweight. 
